World Between Worlds

Immersive installation piece 2019

Doors & wooden frames

World Between Worlds aims to play with our perception of space and time, allowing the viewer to physically engage with and navigate their way around the piece in space.

Drawing attention to those feelings, sensations, moments in life in which we find ourselves at a crossroads. We are no longer where we were but are not yet where we want or plan to be. Perhaps we do not yet know exactly where or what next is, do not know what it looks like or which path to take. We cannot go back but which way is forward? Feeling uneasy, disorientated and confused yet incredibly awake, alive and alert, anxious and or excited about the limitless choices that lay before us. Which way do we go? Where does the door lead us to?

Sometimes we may not know which path in life to take yet letting go of the need to know the answers to our questions, letting go and allowing ourselves to explore our opportunities/the possibilities can lead to many treasures and awakenings.

Life can be a great adventure if and when we allow ourselves to (even if momentarily) relax and enjoy the ride into and around the unknown.


Incubation Chamber


Landmark Exhibition